
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tomorrow Is October.

I'm here at my home, sitting outside on my balcony enjoying the evening with my kitties.  It's still hot outside, but I'm so tired of complaining about Texas weather, and I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about it too.

My time of year has officially begun.  My time to shine.  Dress to impress.  Maybe I will wear my cheesy Halloween sweater to work tomorrow.  I don't exactly wear dress code all the time anyway...and I work in a gym.  I should really just go all out tomorrow.  People would still say, 'Isn't it a little early for Halloween stuff?"  To which I reply with my death stare which implies for said person to go fuck themselves.

Anyway, in case you missed it, here's what I've been up to......

Still have not had a chance to get to Best Buy to check out some cameras, but I will.  I've managed to figure out how to make my icons prettier though.

I'm not sure how much more Halloween shopping I will be doing this year as I already have enough stuff for the entire neighborhood, but I will still be posting Halloween goodies from here on out!

Thanks for stopping by kittens!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Oh, the HORROR!

Like you would assume, any good Hallowfile may have an affinity towards horror, gore, macabre, whatever you feel like calling it, I of course am no exception to this unwritten rule.

I have spent an unhealthy amount of time cruising Netflix watching the most downright worst horror flicks, to of course the better and higher rated, lesser known horror films they have to offer.

Sometimes it takes me an even unhealthier amount of time simply picking which crappy (or non-crappy) horror based movie I want to "waste" my time watching.  Carefully judging and often misjudging a film by its cover.  Most recently I chose a movie called Greystone Park.  What a waste of time that one was!  The main reason for choosing it was that it followed (Blair Witch style) three youngish people around an abandoned insane asylum, as this is relevant to my party theme this year.  In a nutshell, horrible acting, non-believable interactions between the "characters" and too much "real cam" moving around.  Like OMG, learn to hold a camera somewhat steady! It took far too long for anything to get "scary."  Most of it was just them bickering and threatening to leave and give so and so the car keys, and yadda yadda, unlikable characters that I felt no empathy for at all.  The ONLY cool thing about it was in once or two instances, annoying guy #1 is taking some flash photography, and if you pay clossssse attention, with each flash you will catch a millisecond glimpse of a frightening image.  F'reals, it actually scared me because I caught it AS I was falling asleep, and I was like, "Wait a tick...did I just see....let's rewind and scare myself again in this pitch dark bedroom, whilst home alone.  Good plan!"  Really though, I don't get scared that easily, but I do get a little creeped out.

I gave the movie 1 star, for that one cool thing.  The rest was lame, and predictable.

I will come back and talk about some of my favorites and other not-so-favorites.  But for now, here are the last two YouTube videos I have posted.  One is fresh from this evening!

This is from over a week ago, some Halloween crafts and ideas.....

And tonight's was a little Halloween Haul......

That's all for now kittens!  Thanks for stopping by.  Sorry for the haphazard blog post, I'm just trying to get this stuff outta my head!

Future blogs/vlogs will include more movies, Halloween/Pagan books, etc.!!  Stay tuned :)

Now time to put on a horror movie and go to bed.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Summer SAD.

So, the weather got crappy again.  I know I whine and moan about it often, but it is something that actually affects my mood and quality of life.  I quite honestly think I have summer seasonal affective disorder.  It's more common in cloudy, rainy and cooler climates, and I don't need a doctor to tell me whether I have it or's a real thing and I can feel it in my bones.

For those who do not know, I don't drive, and luckily live close enough to my job that I can walk there every day, but when it's 90+ humidity outside, I don't want to do much of anything.  Of course we truck through it and get on with our lives and get over it, but enough is enough.

I've lived in Texas almost my entire life and at the end of every summer I just think to myself, "Well, made it through another one...."  Ironically, I lived in Winnipeg, MB for an accumulated 2 years of my life, and it was the exact opposite and I LOVED it.  Survived two winters in that city.  I miss it often!

With that said, it honestly puts me in a not so Halloweeny mood, however I still know the end is near in regards to this shit weather.  And although it depresses me I have still been getting some shopping in and will put that in my next YouTube video, so look out for that!

Here is a sneak peek:

Also this weekend, boyfriend and I went to my friend's birthday pool party and we brought some seasonal accouterments:

He was not a fan of the Pumpkick, but I thought it tasted fine.  He said it was "definitely pumpkiny" but I didn't think it was overbearing.  And the Shiner Oktoberfest, didn't deviate too much from a regular Shiner.  All in all, it did the job and we had fun.  I still think it's weird that I went to a pool party in September.


Have a good day, kittens.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Reason for the Season.

Is this amazing weather!  That's all that matters.  Finally the humidity is clearing away and going back to hell where it belongs.  It's still been getting up to the low 90s but this morning it was like 60, holy moly.  And it doesn't suck so much because there's even a little breeze.

In any case, time to not be ridiculed for wearing Halloween socks all year round!

Oh, and guess who finally got their shit together?

Yeah, that's right, Wal-Mart, talking about you.  You'd think they'd give me some kind of endorsement deal by now, seeing as I talk about them all the time in my blog and vlog.  FREE ADVERTISING!  Even though it's mostly griping, but hey, any press is good press. I'd let them slap an ad on my blog.

In other Halloween news, I tried another pumpkin ale.  This one I did not like as much....

It had that overly sweet taste that I feared from the last one.  The sweet taste I wanted to avoid.  Not REALLY sweet, but it tasted like an alcoholic Pumpkin Spice Latte, just not sweet like a cider.  I won't be buying this one again, but I would like to try a pumpkin cider next.

Speaking of PSL, I tried one the other day (soy, no whip) since I heard they changed the recipe this year and added like 0.36% more pumpkin, but it still had that underlying chemical/fruity taste that I've always hated.  Sorry, not sorry.

Also, if you have not, check out my video!  This is not my most recent one, but I've been meaning to embed it, so I will embed the newest one in my next post.  Or you can just watch it through my channel!!


Bye bye for now, kittens! ^_^

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Here Comes The Rain Again.

Praise Jeebus, today was cloudy and not too hot.  NOT TOO SHABBY.  It's deliciously thunderous and spooky right now, but I'm having some weird feelings of apathy this evening.  Not sure why, but I hope it goes away soon.

Like, good timing funky mood.  The weather is almost perfectly how you asked for it, and now you feel all weird and depressy.  It's probably just my epilepsy medicine, but still, I hate being in strange moods.  I try to keep an upbeat, positive yet snarky attitude day in and day out.

In any case, I really came here to brag about the first Halloween card I received yesterday!  From my dear friend Cassie who now resides in Portland, Oregon!  I have known her since I was in 10th grade, so well over 10 years.

Ain't it cute?  It actually matches my other vintage Halloween items!

In other Halloween news, I tried a seasonal beverage last night!

It was quite hearty and rich.  Blue Moon regular is one of my favorite beers, so naturally I decided to try this.  You can only slightly taste the pumpkin, but I'm glad because I was weirdly worried it would be sweet?  I know, strange expectations, but it was quite good, I recommend it.  Not like pumpkin pie at all, thank goodness.  It also put me RIGHT to sleep, hahaha.

It's time to start thinking about Halloween cards myself!  I like to hand pick them for all of my special Halloween loving friends!  If only they would put them on the damn shelf!

Until next time, my fellow Hallowfiles


OH!  P.S. I meant to embed this mornings YouTube vlog:

Good day!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Struggle Is Real

Oh, the joys of living in Texas.....

Normally, 93 wouldn't be too terrible....but check out that "REALFEEL."  One-hundred and three?!?!  For the love of all that is holy, this heat really needs to fuck off.  It's funking up my holiday vibe, f'reals.

It kind of ruined my day yesterday as it deterred me from wanting to do anything past about 2 o'clock.  According to my friends via Facebook, I was completely justified in my weather disbelief.

You know what is actually completely ridiculous though?  I saw a news story today that schools in Connecticut are letting out early due to a "heatwave."  I can see how this type of weather can be really irritating and soul crushing....but letting school out early?  That is extreme.  Those crazy New Englanders.

In other news, I MADE a new video, but opted out of posting it to YouTube, so sorry, not sorry.  I very much need to invest in a proper camera to bring better quality content for my growing audience...."growing."

Don't forget to like and share my stuff as there is more to come!  I just wanted to quickly complain about the shitty weather conditions ;-)

Sunday, September 6, 2015

WTF Wal-Mart???

Seriously, it is September 6th...6TH....and they still have a bajillion binders and crappy school supplies taking up the seasonal aisles.  Shouldn't your children have everything they need by now?!  If not, you're a shitty parent...besides, school supplies are a year round luxury, okay?  What in the actual fuck?!

I remember they took forever last year, but not THIS long.  They'll probably have Christmas crap out before Halloween stuff at the rate they're going.  Okay...granted, I did see Halloween shirts, and some fall decor, BUT THAT IS NOT THE SAME.

End Rant.

We went to The Spirit yesterday though!!!  I would love to have this demon possessed girl for my vaulted ceilings, but she just isn't in the budget this year, unfortunately.

I made a few small purchases, so if you wanna see that, and you haven't already watched my video, you can check it out here.....


Best food in the world....and very fall-ish.

Okay, well you know the drill....I'll be back with more Halloween reports next time!

Saturday, September 5, 2015


Well, yesterday was productive.  Aside from going to work and bringing home the bacon, I finally sent out my Halloween party invite, and started decorating the apartment.  Well, kind of decorating.  More like, I just got off my lazy ass and pulled out my trunks of Halloween shyte and figured out what is being used this year and what is not.  Here's what really happened....

As some of you may or may not know, this years theme is hospital/asylum and I'm going with a lime green theme....sort of mad scientisty, or more mad doctor, crazy psych ward color scheme (with lots of blood).  I will post ideas later with pictures of the mantle.

As I was outside, safely out of wasp way, this giant mud dauber mother effer flew into my life and let me just say, while harmless, those things are WAY more demonic than wasps.  Christ, have you ever seen one of those things?!  You'll just have to Google it.

Also, as I was spraying my fake blood all over my perfectly bleach white sheets, I met my neighbors from across the hall.  They were really kind and one of the guys just asked if I was an artist.  I said no, although technically I am....I just choose different mediums.

In any case, I now have two more people who want to attend my Halloween party!  Huzzah!

On that note, Halloween is in full swing.  Hoping to make a trip to The Spirit Halloween Store soon as well.  The locations this year suck balls, but boyfriend agreed we could take the trip :)  I love how he puts up with my crazies.

Alright kittens, until next time....