
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December & Being Sick! + vegan talk

Can't  believe it's already December, huh?  Actually, I can.  How was everyone's year?  Do you do that resolution bullshit?  Haha. I think I might do that this year, on behalf of my desire to fully transition to vegan.

Going vegan is not easy, I don't care what anyone else tells you.  It's not an overnight thing, for some people it takes years.  Most of your friends and family are likely still eating standard American/Western diets.  Most of your friends and family probably don't understand or want to understand what you're doing and you feel pressured to eat a certain way and not be who you really want to be.  Some people will be supportive, some people won't give a shit and say 'do whatever you want,' but there are also people who will try to sway you from it because they think it's dumb or not healthy, or it's radical or whatever.  Most of the time I'm not the type of person to give a crap about what others think, but when the people closest to you are being dicks, it's hard not to care what they think.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I resolve to make 2016 a vegan year.  I might fail, there is always that possibility.  But maybe what would be more realistic is to make it an 80 percent vegan year.

I was actually really quite surprised at Thanksgiving when we were at the dinner table eating that my family was pretty open to the idea of doing a Tofurkey/vegan meal!  Even boyfriend was like, "I'm not opposed to that!"  I don't think he knows how pleased that made me.

I've also been wanting to get back into weight-lifting and I've been using one of my favorite vegan YouTubers for inspiration.  She's this cute lil' Scottish girl here:

Sometimes I have a hard time understanding her accent, but it's all good.  So no only is she vegan, but she lifts.

Speaking of YouTube, I monetized my account and am planning on making more videos, new camera or not.  Hoping that I can keep the ideas coming so that I don't just have to do boring VLOGS all the time:

But yeah, on that note, I have been sick!  It's some wicked cold or something.  Congested, crazy coughing, all the coughing gives me a headache.  Constant sneezing and leakage, running out of tissues!  My boss sent me home early yesterday cuz I was so pathetic, so I went home, filmed this little diddy, and crawled into bed while hopped up on Dayquil and tea.  I woke up twice in the night and took two extras chugs of Nyquil....I think that helped, LOL.  Going back in to work today, I will probably still take it easy since I've still got a cough and drippy nose, grossssss.  TMI.

Just need to pick up some tissues.....

If you missed it too, here is my half assed Renaissance Faire costume:

It was cold and rainy, so I wore my moose hat with my pirate shirt and vest, black sweatpants work rather well as pirate pants, just fyi, as long as you wear them with your pirate boots.  Then of course a jacket over all of it, haha.  I don't think that walking around the cold and rain of Renn Faire helped my cold either though.....also, surprise this morning, I got a COLD sore.  Yeah, no surprise there really.  I have fast acting meds to make those fuckers heal quick though.

Okay, so sorry for the long blog.  Congratulations if you made it this far.

I need to start my Christmas cards soon as well.  So much to do with life, and then there's Christmas cards....oy vey.

Have a good day, kittens!!

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