Today is a research/reading day. For business and pleasure. Here is today's spread:
The Walking Dead Compendium was lent to me by a friend since we both need to catch up on that! The rest is mostly research papers and a book for future YouTube content. The pink book I found at a thrift store about a woman with exercise bulimia, which is something that I have "suffered" from off and on in my 20s. I don't talk about it much, there wasn't much to it, but I enjoy reading other accounts on the subject, and this topic is hard to find literature on.
In any case, I hope everyone had a fantabulous New Year's Eve! A bunch of us went to the arcade, and it couldn't have been a better, more fun choice! I got to see so many people I love and we all just had a really exciting time! I was looking at pictures afterward and just realizing how great I've got it in this life. I may not have much or do a lot, but I am so fortunate to have such great friends, a boyfriend, family, good health and access to fun experiences, and I just really hope that I am able to succeed in making this year even better. I've never been a New Year's resolutions type, but I made a video of future plans/goals!
Almost everything reverts back to my YouTube "career," and bettering my YouTube game. I enjoy it so much, and am learning still, little by little everyday, and I love it. My only regret is not starting sooner! ><
Since I last blogged I have made a couple more videos if you're interested! This one is something along the lines of the things I want to do MORE of in the future, hence the research I would like to accomplish today:
Fun, factual, creepy, weird stuff! It is completely my favorite!
As well, I made another vegan food taste test video, and I'm proud that I made it shorter for people who lack the attention span, lol. Hopefully that will up my average view duration!
But anyway, as usual, thank you for stopping by! And yes, if you're wondering, I am starting to miss Halloween already :-P
Until next time, see you soon internet family!! xoxo
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