I'm actually quite sleepy and should be relaxing with a horror movie, but I'm trying to let my hair dry before I fall asleep. Y'all know how it is.
By now I've usually got some trivia questions finished for my Halloween party, but I haven't even thought about it. I've been doing other reading and research pertaining to future YouTube videos, which include but are not limited to haunted asylums, the infamous Driskill Hotel here in Austin, TX and other random life vlogging type things.
Speaking of trivia, I've done it three times in the past week. The last two times I tried it alone, but here I am with my friend Dorothy:
Photo courtesy: Alyssa B.
One of the things that I'd like to stick to this year is trying new things as well. Such as that time I made sushi....on Monday...after work.....lol.....
I am going to try again tomorrow! I also filmed it and am still working on editing that video for your viewing pleasure.
I feel like trying new things this year won't be hard if I plan to document it for my channel. Seriously, it's the most motivating thing I've got in my life right now. Other than paying bills and basic survival. YT has been a life changer for me, and this year is going to be amazing, I can feel it.
Okay, well if you missed it, here is my New Year's Vlog:
I'll leave you with that. I mainly just wanted to touch a little bit on the subject of Halloween now that the holidays are over. Still have a few to get through, and the summer.....ugh, the summer, I am already dreading it. Here is my blog about reverse seasonal affective disorder....
Goodnight. (I originally made a typo and said "Goofnight" and almost left it because it is silly. Maybe next time). :-P
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