
Monday, September 21, 2015

Summer SAD.

So, the weather got crappy again.  I know I whine and moan about it often, but it is something that actually affects my mood and quality of life.  I quite honestly think I have summer seasonal affective disorder.  It's more common in cloudy, rainy and cooler climates, and I don't need a doctor to tell me whether I have it or's a real thing and I can feel it in my bones.

For those who do not know, I don't drive, and luckily live close enough to my job that I can walk there every day, but when it's 90+ humidity outside, I don't want to do much of anything.  Of course we truck through it and get on with our lives and get over it, but enough is enough.

I've lived in Texas almost my entire life and at the end of every summer I just think to myself, "Well, made it through another one...."  Ironically, I lived in Winnipeg, MB for an accumulated 2 years of my life, and it was the exact opposite and I LOVED it.  Survived two winters in that city.  I miss it often!

With that said, it honestly puts me in a not so Halloweeny mood, however I still know the end is near in regards to this shit weather.  And although it depresses me I have still been getting some shopping in and will put that in my next YouTube video, so look out for that!

Here is a sneak peek:

Also this weekend, boyfriend and I went to my friend's birthday pool party and we brought some seasonal accouterments:

He was not a fan of the Pumpkick, but I thought it tasted fine.  He said it was "definitely pumpkiny" but I didn't think it was overbearing.  And the Shiner Oktoberfest, didn't deviate too much from a regular Shiner.  All in all, it did the job and we had fun.  I still think it's weird that I went to a pool party in September.


Have a good day, kittens.

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