
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Here Comes The Rain Again.

Praise Jeebus, today was cloudy and not too hot.  NOT TOO SHABBY.  It's deliciously thunderous and spooky right now, but I'm having some weird feelings of apathy this evening.  Not sure why, but I hope it goes away soon.

Like, good timing funky mood.  The weather is almost perfectly how you asked for it, and now you feel all weird and depressy.  It's probably just my epilepsy medicine, but still, I hate being in strange moods.  I try to keep an upbeat, positive yet snarky attitude day in and day out.

In any case, I really came here to brag about the first Halloween card I received yesterday!  From my dear friend Cassie who now resides in Portland, Oregon!  I have known her since I was in 10th grade, so well over 10 years.

Ain't it cute?  It actually matches my other vintage Halloween items!

In other Halloween news, I tried a seasonal beverage last night!

It was quite hearty and rich.  Blue Moon regular is one of my favorite beers, so naturally I decided to try this.  You can only slightly taste the pumpkin, but I'm glad because I was weirdly worried it would be sweet?  I know, strange expectations, but it was quite good, I recommend it.  Not like pumpkin pie at all, thank goodness.  It also put me RIGHT to sleep, hahaha.

It's time to start thinking about Halloween cards myself!  I like to hand pick them for all of my special Halloween loving friends!  If only they would put them on the damn shelf!

Until next time, my fellow Hallowfiles


OH!  P.S. I meant to embed this mornings YouTube vlog:

Good day!

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