
Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloweek + Walking Dead Trivia!

Ermahgerd, 1 day y'all.  Are you ready? I guess I kind of am, ha.

It is raining cats and dogs this morning, and I'm doing a load of laundry, kinda silly!  Hey, you do what you gotta do.  I have to wash all of my Halloween socks and shirts!  One of which I am wearing this evening with my last minute Chucky costume!  Lol.  I recently bought a pair of overalls, and realized I have a shirt that will work, then hopped over to Wal-Mart for some last minute essential accessories and voila!  I'm sort of the master of last minute costuming.

I realize my hair is quite a bit longer than the real Chucky, but really, it's the accessories that make the costume.  I'm excited.  Once I get off, going to trek through the rain home somehow and get started on my costume and head to the arcade with friends for the Halloween party and games!!  Woooo!

The only thing standing in my way is HOMEWORK.  Yuck.  Yeah, I totally forgot I have a test due by Sunday....I'm a master procrastinator and work well under pressure though.  Go me.

Oh, and Walking Dead trivia on Wednesday was A BLAST!  I took the reigns since none of my friends had ever been to a Geeks Who Drink Trivia quiz before!  Let alone a themed one!  I go on a semi-regular basis as my BFF is a quiz master for them, and she just so happened to host this months TWD themed quiz and I was soooooooo excited for her.  My teammates decided on Carol's Casseroles for our team name, LOL.  The other choices were Merle's Right Hand Man or Terminus Treats.  If you've ever seen the show, then you will get it....if not, then go watch them!

It was a super fun time, and we ended up tying for fourth with another team, which is pretty damn good.  Pretty proud of us.

Photo courtesy: Alyssa B. (aka BFF)

Photo courtesy: Alyssa B.

Our team pic, and then one of Alyssa and me afterward.  I helped her with her makeup!  Everyone had great fucking costumes.  CORAL!!!!

Ahh, anyway, so that was a great night, but in health news, I was feeling better Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, but ran out of time to do any vlogging.  Managed to push out a crappy one yesterday morning.  But early yesterday morning I woke up to Ichabod being sick AGAIN.  As I got up to clean up his mess, I ended up getting a splitting headache in the back of my head!  I ended up taking some pain meds which is usually something I try to avoid, and finally fell back asleep about an hour later.  Didn't have much trouble with pain the rest of the day, but the anxiety came back, so yeah, I'm feeling better, but not?  Ha.  Whatever, I feel okay right now, and that's all that matters.  I did send this picture to boyfriend yesterday though, which somewhat sums up how I've been feeling the past few weeks:

As for Ichabod, I think it's just stress and anxiety!  He's always had a fairly bare belly, like almost completely fur-less, but recently I realized that he has been pulling it out, and leaving more chunks of hair around and there has been more hair in his, my next order of action is to get him some calming treats and see if that helps.  Because otherwise, he is completely normal; he eats, plays, wrestles with his brother, cuddles and what not.  And yes, I know cats are extremely good at hiding illness, but I've had cats long enough to know that if he's wrestling, he's fucking fine other than what my boyfriend calls "a mentally ill cat."

Okay, I've blathered enough...TORNADO/FLASH FLOOD WARNING sent to my phone!!! We're gonna diiiiiieee!!!!  jkjkjkjk

Here's my latest VLOG if you care, but it pretty much just sums up what I talked about now.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Halloweek & The Adventures of a Hypochondriac!

That's right, I came here to talk about my health again.  I'd like to focus on Halloween, but that just ain't happening as my anxiety/stress/depression/hypochondria dictate and consume my life.

For a second there, I thought I was feeling better, but yesterday I had a sudden rush of heart palpitations as I was just sitting at my laptop watching a YouTube video, and with that came a rush of light headedness and feeling like I was about to pass out right in my office at work.  I feel like I need a fucking babysitter....

I KNOW I should go to the doctor, but honestly, they aren't going to tell me anything I don't already know.  The best they can do is take my blood and see if I have low iron, which I have started taking supplements for, just in case.  As well, I am on vitamin D and B12.  I like to treat things naturally and without going to a doctor who really doesn't know what the hell they're talking about.  I don't like or trust doctors...I'm just like a  Bad joke?

Anyway, the forecast for Halloween here is looking rainy :( I may not even be able to decorate!

I was supposed to decorate boyfriend's house this past weekend, but it was raining all weekend.  And it's supposed to come back this weekend as well.  Hopefully it will only be in the morning and leave by the time the kids go out for candy!

Tomorrow some friends and I are going to the Geeks Who Drink Walking Dead Trivia and it should be a fun time.  Fun lil' Halloween themed activity!  I even get to leave work early :-D

I would like to get around to more videos, and have posted a couple of my cat, but it's been hard to get motivated.  I also have a YouTube contest I need to make a video for by November 15th!  That's right, a contest!  You'll see later....

Anyway, here is the video of my cat playing with a stick.  That's all for now.  Just needed to get some health talk off my chest again.  My stomach issues seem to have subsided for the most part, now it has manifested into general anxiety and chronic headaches...oh, the joys of being a hypochondriac....


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Final Countdown.

It's officially 10 days until Halloween.  What's everyone going to be doing?!  Leave a comment below if you feel so inclined.

As I mentioned before, I am giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters this year!  Want to keep it low key and I just really enjoy seeing kids having fun with the holiday.  I'm just hoping that at boyfriend's new house, there are plenty of kids.  His house is BRAND NEW and it's still a developing neighborhood, but it's right next to another neighborhood, so hoping those kiddos migrate over to us.  I will be decorating, so hopefully that gives kids the impression that THIS HOUSE HAS CANDY!!!

Assuming you read my last entry a couple days ago, you know the party was a success.  I forgot to mention the shmorgishborg of leftover beer at my house and I'm not sure who left these, but I tried one and it was quite satisfactory:

So whichever friend left that, and if you're reading this, thanks!  Lol.  It wasn't verrry pumpkiny, but it was a darker beer and had a smooth taste.  I had bought a bunch of beer to share with guests as well, but was so busy with the liquor and jello shots, I forgot about the beer! I feel like I didn't quite get people drunk enough this year, haha.  But the general consensus on the jello shots was that they were the best I've made in all the years I've been doing this, ha.

I know if you're reading this then you probably don't need to watch my newest Vlog update, but here it is anyway!

I also just appreciate the views and support.  I really am trying to quit my day job.  And while I still find my niche, especially once the Halloween season is over, I will be posting a slew of different content and videos for all audiences to enjoy.  So again, thank you for supporting me!

Here is one last picture that I like of me in my costume!!

I'll be back, you know it!  Bye kittens :)

Monday, October 19, 2015


Ooooh, hellooooo!  I've had more than one person tell me this before, and I sort of feel like it myself, but often it feels like Halloween is over after I have my party!  LOL.  But it's not!  Still more Halloweening to do!

But yes, the party was a success this past Saturday.  There were fewer people this year, so it was slightly more intimate, but it's okay, I have a slightly small apartment and we all had a good time.  I especially enjoyed how into the movie trivia people got, hehe.  I have so much leftover stuff, I should have another Halloween party this weekend!  Ha, but I won't, I have to go to boyfriend's house this weekend and decorate the front of it!  See, still so much Halloween to do!

But anyway, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves:

My boyfriend and me.

The movie trivia board.

IV bags and x-rays in the hallway.

Jello shots.

And for those who don't know me personally, I am the one in the bloody hospital gown.

After trivia I asked my friends to vote on next years theme, and it has been decided that Vintage Halloween it is!!!  This will actually be easy and fun.  Lots of paper mache and streamers and such.  Also, it means I get to do a lot of research on Halloween related things, which of course is my favorite.  But it will be themed between like 1900 and 1960.  That's what I consider vintage.  But yes, I have of course already started getting ideas and juices are flowing.

As for me personally, I have been thinking about making a doctors appointment with regards to my on again, off again anxiety and now recent stomach issues and general loss of appetite and unintended weight loss.  Just trying to take care of myself.

Will definitely make a couple of Vlogs this week now that I am not so preoccupied anymore.  Although I have an online class that started today, so I will be a little busy with that now as well.  Just need to keep busy, that's what always makes me happy.

Thanks for reading, kittens!  And thank you to everyone who made it to the party, now I can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Yesterday after I posted a very short, crappy little video on YouTube, I realized I felt better ever so slightly.  Maybe I've found my new favorite hobby!  Next to Halloweening of course.

I just felt happier and more motivated, even though it didn't get that many views, it just makes me want to make more.  So I'm gonna do that, and keep doing that.  It also helps when I gain followers and realize that people out there kind of want to see what I have to contribute and share with the world.  Ha.

I was productive with top secret Halloween trivia preparations last night, as I watched about four episodes of Walking Dead season 3.  Tonight I MUST do the movie trivia poster, which may take a while, but it's all coming along.  So I now have three nights and one half day to prepare for the party, should be enough.  That includes getting the rest of the supplies, cleaning the apartment (which I've been putting off), making jello shots, finish decorating, etc.!

Anyway, if you missed the last two blogs, here is my supplemental video with everything in a nutshell!  Gotta go!  Thanks :)

Monday, October 12, 2015

Sad Girls Blog.

I figured my funk would be gone by now, but it has not ceased.  I was going to vlog this weekend, but alas, did not get that far in life.  Ended up taking Ichabod to the emergency vet, and they basically said he's fine and gave me all these instructions on feeding him, giving him an antibiotic, and a probiotic, some special food, and Pepcid for the puking issue.  He's been good since I brought him back, so hopefully it sticks.  Oh, and thank goodness for my dad for helping me and being there.  I have one of the greatest dad's in the world, and he even hugged me as I cried and emotionally pondered about life and shit.  It was nice to get it out.

Party is this weekend and I'm going to be completely honest, I'm not as excited as I should be.  Just thinking about my depressed state makes me want to start fucking crying.  I'm not a generally depressed person, but I know it's nothing to joke about, or to take lightly, especially when you can sense that you're messed up.  And especially when some of the things in your life that bring you the most joy, are not bringing you joy, and it's inexplicable.  You just don't know why.

I went out with my roomie and friend last night, and it was really nice after being cooped up in the apartment all day.  I did some chores, took care of the kitties, did some minimal decorating, and watched Walking Dead all day.  I've been re-watching for Geeks Who Drink Walking Dead themed trivia at the end of the month.  Needless to say, I was in such a funk last night, I didn't make the effort to go to the gym and watch the season six premier (I don't have cable at home, so that's how I get my fix).  So we just went to the karaoke bar around the corner.  Less effort.  I'll catch the new episodes eventually, not really worried about it.  I don't even care about spoilers.

I truly am sorry for the depressing blogs though, but I think it's something that should be addressed and it helps me get it off my chest.  You can say, oh, what do you have to be sad about, you're white privileged?  What I have to say to those types of people is, it's none of your damn business I guess, and get the fuck off my blog.  Millions of people suffer from depression and mental illness all across the globe, and most people don't talk about it so candidly, so I think it's fine that I do.  You are not alone.

As for me, I'm just hoping it is a phase, as I've never been clinically depressed and it doesn't run in my family.  Life becomes overwhelming in your head, and sometimes you just need to be a little sad so that when you are happy and good, you can appreciate it more.  Are you picking up what I'm laying down?  Good.

In any case, I managed to paint myself some zombie toes in the midst of this weekend, so that is your Halloween goodness from me!!

I will be vlogging this week, and likely talk about it more, so I'll leave it at this for now.  Oh, but also, probably will have a mini Halloween haul, and the one with my Wicca/Pagan books.

I know I keep saying that, but it IS coming!

Have a nice day, kittens. 'Ppreciate chya.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

In A Funk.

Last night I just texted my boyfriend and said, "I just feel so uninspired."  It was in reference to Halloween, and my party and all the month's festivities.  And this crap always happens.  I always get in a weird fucking slump, and feel random anxiety, heart palpitations, apathy, confusion, stress and all that unnecessary crap.  And it doesn't help that Ichabod has been mysteriously sick off and on the past few weeks.

All I want to do is break down and cry and watch YouTube and get over this weird anxiety and for my cat to feel 100% better.  Maybe I need a drink.

I think maybe I'm having the dreaded third life crisis.  I'm almost 29, so I figure I'll be through a third of my life by then, hoping to make it to at least 90.  But yeah, it's just utter bullshit.  Inexplicable, utter bullshit.

I know I have a lot of friends who suffer from anxiety, and unfortunately, for me, I feel as though mine has gotten worse over the years.  It's time to make life fucking decisions and get my shit together, because I definitely don't have my shit together.  I only play like I do on TV.

Sorry for the Debbie Downer intro, I just needed to get some of that off my chest, for the love of God.  And actually, I feel slightly better.  So...THANKS!  Thanks for obliging me.

In other news, we DID go to The House of Torment, and it was a BLASSSSSSST.  Seriously one of my most favorite times yet.  Here's our silly amazing photo:

I have about 9 day until the party now, and I feel like I'm just going to procrastinate until the Friday/Saturday before.  I've done a few small handfuls of stuff, but nothing blog worthy.

But in other OTHER news, I did post a NON-Halloween YouTube video if anyone is interested in #veganlyfe, I made a video of some vegan foods that I recently purchased.  Trying to appeal to as many audiences as I can at this point:

My next video will likely be a random Vlog of me just talking, or a Wiccan/Pagan book haul!  In any case, thanks for stopping by!  I really 'ppreciate it :)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

House of Torment!

Hey guys and gals!

Tonight my friends and I are going to be hitting up the local haunted house which you may have heard of, The House of Torment.  They are pretty famous nationwide, have been on all sorts of Travel Channel and Discovery Channel specials, etc.  And yes, it is quite a grand time!  I personally go every year, and try to wrangle up as many virgins as I can, but I find most people are too pussy to try it, EVEN if I buy them a ticket.  This time I'm going with a friend who has been and a friend who has not and I'm pretty excited either way.

I even made a video with some tips before you plan to head out that way to get scared! ^_^

And here's a quick trailer from their own YouTube channel!

In other news, I was sick yesterday and meant to do all of this then, but was in bed watching Bridezillas all day instead, and boyfriend brought me soup, crackers, ginger ale and popsicles.  My favorite sick food combo.  Of course I have decorated more, been going kinda slow, but spooked myself with my own decorations as I was coming in the door from work on Friday, LOL.

This guy.....

Otherwise, just taking it easy until we go tonight.  Not buying as much stuff for Halloween this year either though, taking it easy on that as well.  But I have a video coming up of the last of my Halloween purchases.  Hopefully upload tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by!