
Wednesday, December 23, 2015


This is going to be short, as it mostly pertains to YouTube.  I was talking to a friend about some things, getting some unsolicited advice, and of course it was appreciated!  But as I was sitting there listening, I just keep thinking to myself what to do, how to get better faster, and then I realized, that at this point in time, it's really all about these baby-steps.  I know I mentioned it in my last post, for those of you who actually read it, but I just keep thinking about it, and I've decided that that is my new mantra.

I don't HAVE to be great and perfect right away at this YT business.  It takes some people years to get good, and I've even figured some seemingly simply shit out since my last blog, which was only yesterday!  That just means, it will get better and better, slowly, but I have confidence in myself, and all I know is that I just have to keep going, even if it's a small step at a time.  And be PATIENT.

I mean, I've got a whole life that I am supposed to be living on top of this, and while it'd be nice to quit my day job and just throw myself into YouTube entirely, that can't happen right now.  I have to learn to manage the time that I have, even if it means forgetting to nourish my body and sleep.  Sometimes you have to go hardcore even when you're taking baby-steps!

I just needed to get that off my chest, because it's all I've been thinking and wondering and worrying about for the past few days....I am slapping a shitty video up right now because I just feel like it dammit!  Hahaha.  And if you missed the drunk gingerbread house making, then today is your lucky day because here it is again!  LOL.  And here is yesterday's blog in case you missed it and need reference :-D

Thanks for stopping by :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Potatoes And Frost And Other Such Things.

Oh, I really don't like having so much time in between posts!  Well, in any case, I made some delicious potatoes:

Cuz, who the hell doesn't like potatoes?  You point out to me who doesn't like potatoes!

Okay, anyway.  In other real news....I've picked up some hours at work, so I have been busy with that.  I celebrated my birthday which was super fun and I love my friends.  I've still been trying to keep up with my workouts and it's going OKAY.  I get two three day weekends in a row and I totally need and deserve it.  I FINALLY finished editing and uploading the latest YouTube project!  HERE:

What a fun challenge, but I won't get into it too much right now since I want to keep this short!

I made a couple more lame videos:

And really am just looking forward to some lazy time and time to focus on some future projects for YouTube, practicing editing and other such things to make my videos more interesting and watchable.  I plan to purchase some lighting next.  The key word here is BABY-STEPS.  I guess that's a hyphenated word, but it's one word.

I just have found that it's something I'm really passionate about and if all I have time is to do it in my "spare" time for now, then so be it.  I will progress at my own pace.  But I can't stop, won't stop!  Persistence is key :-D

I am looking to take a class or two again next semester as well, so that will be a time sucker, but I want to do it all.  I like being busy.

Oh, and last but not least, I'm REALLY not too keen on the weather in Texas right now.  WTF IT'S HOT.  Christmas Day is supposed to be like 80F.  Not very Christmasy.  Ugh, what do I care, I don't even celebrate Christmas.  I celebrate winter, but it's kind of difficult to do when you live here.

I saw some news article on Facebook that there is supposed to be some kind of crazy post Christmas winter storm though, and I'm really hoping they aren't messing with me.  In any case, I found some beautiful frost on an early morning birthday walk to the gym the other day!  So beautiful!  See?!

But for now, that is all.  I have some research to tend to.  Thanks for stopping by!  :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

0.07 and Counting.

Recently one of the most exciting things in my life has been researching and checking YouTube analytics.  It's been going at a snails pace but every little change is quite exciting for someone just starting out.  I honestly don't expect much from my silly little channel.  I don't really have a target audience, I just make videos for the sake of making videos, but it's quickly become my new favorite hobby and even with as little effort as I'm putting into it as I am, it's still quite time consuming!  I don't even fully know how to edit yet and I still find myself up later than I usually am, researching and spending time on YouTube in general.  I've even had a couple of nights already where I forgot I was hungry, and have been having to force myself to eat before I tuck into my bed with my laptop for the night.  This morning I also had to force myself to make my lunch for work too and not stay busy doing other things and maybe rely on picking up lunch later.  I was so engrossed the other day I forgot to drink water and kept wondering why I was so thirsty all day.  Even this morning, with all of the seven cents of excitement, I kept repeating to myself, "OMG, I have so much to do..." On top of all of my day to day menial tasks.

Well, that was a fucking mouthful!

And trust me, I have plenty more to say.

I was kind of joking with my boyfriend too when I was talking about how exciting it was when I said, "I feel reborn!"  Truth joke.

I also just kind of like feeling busy again.  With this crappy blog, YOUTUBE, work, my ONE class which is almost over (thank goodness), social media in general, and now I'm even considering getting a Twitter account.  On top of that, all my other life shit I have to deal with, like Obamacare, actually going to the doctor, dealing with my epilepsy BS, cats, cat puke, avoiding Christmas, going to school if I can afford it, vacation planning for next September.  OH LORD.  Why do we do this to ourselves, huh?

Ha, well, nice thing, my bb gave me my birthday presents early this year.  This beautiful ring I found at Renaissance Faire, which wasn't in my size there, but he went online later and bought the correct size as a surprise:

As well, he got me a Magic Bullet!  Like the kind on the infomercial, lol.  I don't have a picture of the MB itself, but I do have a picture of this hummus I made with it, which he said looked "liquidy."  Of which, I of course maturely replied with, "YOU look liquidy."

I think I just added too much olive oil, honestly.  After I ate the entire bowl I didn't feel so great either.  I tend to over-do it with the hummus though....

Onward, the rest of this month will of course be jam packed.  I have a Christmas party this Saturday, was invited to another but will have to decline because I can't be overwhelming myself.  Then I planned a birthday shindig, but will have people come to ME at my apartment.  Makes it a little less stressful for me.

HOLD THAT THOUGHT.  I literally had to stop myself just now and make myself go get some water.

I don't really "observe" actual Christmas, so I don't worry myself with that, and don't feel pressure to buy gifts, thank gawd.

As for the short term, vegan eating and weight training have been going well, even though it's only been a couple of weeks for the weight training, I already can feel a difference.  I have noticed with my body, I can gain muscle quite easily, especially when I'm eating right.  This pleases me.

AAAANNDD tonight, my good friend and I are filming a fun video for my channel, and I was originally going to tell you lovely people what it is, but I think I'll leave it a surprise.

In the mean time, please watch my most recent two videos if you have not! :-D

Well, that's all for now folks!  Again, it's way too long, so congratulations for making it this far ;)

Much love, kittens!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Cards & Still Sick?

Wow, December 5th, this month is basically over, lol.  I started X-Mas cards last night, got about 9 finished, probably about 12 to go?  Just depends on which of my friends send me their address if they want one! :)

I can't seem to shake this sick stuff though.  Still coughing, just not as much, and often can't breathe through my nose which makes eating kind of a pain in the ass.  Any tips or remedies?

Sick Selfie.

I started my weight training.  Went hard and ended up really sore, but it's healing so I can start up again.  I am quite excited.  Also, veganism is going swimmingly.  I think I have one can of chicken and stars left, but I don't even want it or need it.  I was craving fruit like a mad woman last night though.  Maybe I need more Vitamin C?!


Oh, and if you did not already know, I DO have a better quality camera to use for my channel!

The sound quality is not the best though.  Going to try it for a while though, and then move on to bigger and better things.  My subscribers are growing slowly, but growing none the less :) Now I just need a tripod and some lighting, maybe a microphone, haha.

I have a good feeling about this YouTube business though....I am kind of learning and growing at a snails pace, but it's actually quite a bit of work, even if you're not putting THAT much work into it like I'm not.  I am just going about it when I have time mostly.  Not even editing yet.  I can't imagine the amount of man hours it takes just to produce a top quality YT video.  Well, actually I can.  One of my favorite YouTubers, Bite Size Vegan, logs exactly how much time it takes to make some of her videos, it's insane, especially if it's a heavily researched one.  100+ hours on some.  I'm starting to have a new appreciation for certain aspects of movie making and entertainment in general.  And I'm barely producing anything!

Anyway, it's all good stuff and I'm gonna keep going for as long as I can and just keep getting better and better.  It's just fun to do, I look forward to making videos.

That's all you get for now.  I have a busy weekend and need to focus on feeling better!

Thanks for stopping by, kittens!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December & Being Sick! + vegan talk

Can't  believe it's already December, huh?  Actually, I can.  How was everyone's year?  Do you do that resolution bullshit?  Haha. I think I might do that this year, on behalf of my desire to fully transition to vegan.

Going vegan is not easy, I don't care what anyone else tells you.  It's not an overnight thing, for some people it takes years.  Most of your friends and family are likely still eating standard American/Western diets.  Most of your friends and family probably don't understand or want to understand what you're doing and you feel pressured to eat a certain way and not be who you really want to be.  Some people will be supportive, some people won't give a shit and say 'do whatever you want,' but there are also people who will try to sway you from it because they think it's dumb or not healthy, or it's radical or whatever.  Most of the time I'm not the type of person to give a crap about what others think, but when the people closest to you are being dicks, it's hard not to care what they think.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I resolve to make 2016 a vegan year.  I might fail, there is always that possibility.  But maybe what would be more realistic is to make it an 80 percent vegan year.

I was actually really quite surprised at Thanksgiving when we were at the dinner table eating that my family was pretty open to the idea of doing a Tofurkey/vegan meal!  Even boyfriend was like, "I'm not opposed to that!"  I don't think he knows how pleased that made me.

I've also been wanting to get back into weight-lifting and I've been using one of my favorite vegan YouTubers for inspiration.  She's this cute lil' Scottish girl here:

Sometimes I have a hard time understanding her accent, but it's all good.  So no only is she vegan, but she lifts.

Speaking of YouTube, I monetized my account and am planning on making more videos, new camera or not.  Hoping that I can keep the ideas coming so that I don't just have to do boring VLOGS all the time:

But yeah, on that note, I have been sick!  It's some wicked cold or something.  Congested, crazy coughing, all the coughing gives me a headache.  Constant sneezing and leakage, running out of tissues!  My boss sent me home early yesterday cuz I was so pathetic, so I went home, filmed this little diddy, and crawled into bed while hopped up on Dayquil and tea.  I woke up twice in the night and took two extras chugs of Nyquil....I think that helped, LOL.  Going back in to work today, I will probably still take it easy since I've still got a cough and drippy nose, grossssss.  TMI.

Just need to pick up some tissues.....

If you missed it too, here is my half assed Renaissance Faire costume:

It was cold and rainy, so I wore my moose hat with my pirate shirt and vest, black sweatpants work rather well as pirate pants, just fyi, as long as you wear them with your pirate boots.  Then of course a jacket over all of it, haha.  I don't think that walking around the cold and rain of Renn Faire helped my cold either though.....also, surprise this morning, I got a COLD sore.  Yeah, no surprise there really.  I have fast acting meds to make those fuckers heal quick though.

Okay, so sorry for the long blog.  Congratulations if you made it this far.

I need to start my Christmas cards soon as well.  So much to do with life, and then there's Christmas cards....oy vey.

Have a good day, kittens!!