
Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Ah crap, this always happens.  I don't update for like EVER, and then I have so many things to talk about I have no idea where to start.  Need to start organizing my thoughts......

I really have no excuse explaining why I haven't blogged....not that many people read this dang thing anyway! ><

Last time I talked a lot about feeling preemptively overwhelmed by what is to come, and well, let's just say, I didn't get overwhelmed much at all....because I have put stuff aside to go out a lot and have more fun! LOL.  I do need to mellow out on going out.  I need to focus on my future and YouTube stuff.  I have been feeling anxiety lately least I think I's been manifesting itself into difficulty swallowing, which of course just makes me panic and have more anxiety, hooray.

I was watching one of my favorite vlog channels, this guy who calls himself The L.A. Beast (his real name's Kevin), who started out as a competitive eater, but has incredibly entertaining vlogs...but in any case, he said something in one of his videos: Success Never Sleeps.  And that really struck a chord with me.  First of all I completely agree.  Then again, of course you have to sleep SOMEtime.  But it also made me kind of pissed.  Pissed that my body requires sleep at all.  And I thought about it....there are two kinds of people in this world: those who wish they didn't have to sleep so they could accomplish more and more things and work towards what they desire, and then those people who just can't wait to go home and go to bed.

Weirdly enough that same day, I was perusing Instagram and came across a post by ANOTHER one of my favorite YouTuber/vloggers, Rob Dyke, and he was pretty much talking about the same thing I just mentioned.  Thinking back on it, I think it's some kind of a sign or some cosmic shit like that.

I've also been struggling with deciding which direction I want to go with on my channel, but I think today I finally made a decision.  Should I say, or make it a surprise?  Muaha.

I have been somewhat networking a lot though.  Really getting into interacting with fellow YouTubers, big and small, and it's been going swimmingly.  Needless to say, I've been watching more than I have been uploading, but it's honestly all for the greater good in the end.

I have several videos that I've filmed but haven't edited, so I'm going to keep posting random stuff willy-nilly, but will gradually post more of a certain genre and mold my channel into what my vision is.

But if you haven't seen my most recent videos since my last blog, here they are in order:

They're pretty self explanatory.  I make sushi, I open my new monthly subscription to KitNipBox and the last one is a 23 second video of me playing my favorite game at Dave & Busters.  Watch 'em all, or none at all.  Just thanks for stopping by, ha!

I'll leave you with some photos in case you don't see me on Instagram or Facebook :)

CATS AND FOOD!!!  Have a good night ^_^

Thanks, kittens.

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